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Die Alvin/Dodga Quest Teil 3[]

Pads of Dedication / Clan Shoulderpads for the Veracious[]

Um die Quest zu bekommen muss man sich zum letzten mal mit Alvin Odeleder (Lush Fields Outpost - 1540x2500 - omni) bzw. Dodga Demercel (Aegan/Rising Sun - 610x1120 - clan) unterhalten und ihm die Alvin/Dodga Card 2 geben.
!!!ACHTUNG!!! die Karte ist dann weg, du musst die Mission also erledigen oder bei Teil 1 wieder anfangen.

Dodga Demercel: Heya.
You: I have something for you..
Dodga Demercel: Sounds good. Hand it over.
You: --> hier die 'Alvin/Dodga Card II' ins Tradefenster legen.
Dodga Demercel takes the card and slides it into his wrist-attached intercom. As he looks through the data of your previous efforts, a smile plays across his face. He is obviously impressed with your feats.
Dodga Demercel: You've done well so far.

Now... Back to business. I believe you are the right person to help me out at the moment. We've had the Trash King and his cronies under surveillance for a while now, and we've gathered some good information about how they are operating. We've discovered that the Trash King himself keeps his men under control using highly sophisticated technology. There are certain communication processing units divided among the leading androids. The Trash King exerts control over his men through these. I want you to ambush the android leaders, one by one, and try to retrieve the different parts of this device. When you have gathered all the pieces, assemble the device and bring it back to me. With that device we can easily control their activities by posing as any one of them. The Trash King will think he is on his way to world domination, but in reality, we are making sure his kind never becomes a real threat to us. Now go out and do your work. The Council will be very proud of you for your efforts. And remember not to speak of this to anyone. We don't want to create a situation.

You: Goodbye
Dodga Demercel: Goodbye.
Alvin Odeleder: Hello there!
You: I have the thing you wanted.
Alvin Odeleder: Good. Good.

Hand it over, and I'll take a look at it.

You: --> hier die 'Alvin/Dodga Card II' ins Tradefenster legen.
Alvin takes the card and inserts it to his wrist-attached intercom. As he downloads the relevant information on your previous achievements, a broad smile indicates that he is pretty happy to see you again.
Alvin Odeleder: There you are... Excellent!

Just the person I was looking for. I hope you are ready for this new assignment. We have managed to keep the Trash King and his cronies under surveillance for quite some time now, and we have a good idea of how they go about their business. Basically, what we have found is that the Trash King controls his organization through a set of highly sophisticated equipment, certain communication processing units, shared by several of his leading androids. Your task is to ambush the leaders, one by one, and try to retrieve the different parts of this device. When you have gathered all the parts, assemble the device and bring it to me. With the communication processing unit complex in our hands, we can easily control their activities by posing as whomever of them we like. This will permanently remove any threat they might have posed to our society, while they will go around their petty business, totally convinced that one day they will rule the world! Now get going, and not a word to anyone... this needs to be kept within the department, so to speak.

You: Goodbye
Alvin Odeleder: Where did that darn slayerdroid go with my lunch?!


nun solltest Du folgende Mission erhalten haben: You need to go, dismantle the Trash King and all his lackeys and find their communication processing units. When you have managed to reconstruct that device, bring it back to me.


Der Auftrag noch mal in Kurzform: Allen uns bereits bekannten Roboter, welche wir schon verwanzt haben, sind nun endgültig auseinanderzunehmen, um an ihre "Communication Processing Unit" zu kommen.
Trash King (Lvl150)

Athen Shire 1600x950
<aoicon>158205</aoicon> Communication Processing Unit Rack with 8 Empty Slots
Spawn-Zeit laut AO Universe: Alle 2 Stunden mit einer 20 % Chance, nach 20 Minuten zu spawnen.

Lackey Trash King Lackey (Lvl130)

Athen Shire 1600x950
<aoicon>158225</aoicon> Communication Processing Unit ID=TKL

Electro Unique (Lvl130)

Wailing Wastes 600x1950
<aoicon>158226</aoicon> Communication Processing Unit ID=EU

Lackey Nuts & Bolts (Lvl130)

Wartorn Valley 715x665
<aoicon>158227</aoicon> Communication Processing Unit ID=NB

Greasy Joints (Lvl130)

Newland Desert 890x950
<aoicon>158228</aoicon> Communication Processing Unit ID=GJ

Lackey Live Metal (Lvl130)

Greater Tir Country 1570x2150
<aoicon>158229</aoicon> Communication Processing Unit ID=LM

Best In Brass (Lvl130)

Galway Shire 400x750
<aoicon>158230</aoicon> Communication Processing Unit ID=BiB

Lackey Metalomania (Lvl130)

Lush Fields (Harry's) 2950x3120
<aoicon>158231</aoicon> Communication Processing Unit ID=MM

Galvano (Lvl130)

Greater Omni Forest 2000x2250
<aoicon>158232</aoicon> Communication Processing Unit ID=GV


wenn wir dann alle Teile zusammen haben, setzen wir sie der Reihe nach zusammen. Als Resultat haben wir dann ein

<aoicon>158224</aoicon> Complex Communication Processing Unit

This fascinating communication device has 8 slots - all filled with ID-chips.


hier ein paar Kartenausschnitte, damit Du Trash King und seine Lackey'en schneller findest:

Lackey1 Lackey2 Lackey3
Lackey4 Lackey5 Lackey6
Lackey7 Lackey8 Die Kartenausschnitte sind aus

der grossen Übersichtskarte von


Die Complex Communication Processing Unit bringen wir nun zu Alvin/Dodga zurück und bekommen dafür u.a. unsere 3. Shoulderpads.

Dodga Demercel: Howdy!
You: I have something for you..
Dodga Demercel: Sounds good. Hand it over.
You: --> hier die 'Complex Communication Processing Unit' ins Tradefenster legen.
Dodga Demercel: I hope you realize that you have just been instrumental in averting a potential disaster.

Luckily, we might never find out for sure. On behalf of the Council of Truth, I congratulate you on a job well done! I hope this modest reward will cover your expenses. We are in your debt. I hope to see you working for us again in the future.

You: Goodbye
Dodga Demercel: Goodbye.
Alvin Odeleder: Hello there!
You: I have the thing you wanted.
Alvin Odeleder: Good. Good.

Hand it over, and I'll take a look at it.

You: --> hier die 'Complex Communication Processing Unit' ins Tradefenster legen.
Alvin Odeleder: Perhaps you are not aware what potential disasters you have been instrumental in averting...

I sincerely hope we will never find out for real. Congratulations to a job well done! I hope this modest reward will cover your expenses, and know that we will always be in your debt. Farewell, and may your shadow never grow thinner!

You: Goodbye
Alvin Odeleder: Where did that darn slayerdroid go with my lunch?!
Omni-Tek Clan
<aoicon>158089</aoicon> Second Update Syringe <aoicon>158089</aoicon> Second Update Syringe
<aoicon>158421</aoicon> Omni-Tek Bravery Token <aoicon>158422</aoicon> Clan Bravery Token
<aoicon>96349</aoicon> Omni-Tek Mission Token <aoicon>96350</aoicon> Clan Mission Token
250.000 credits 250.000 credits
150.000 xp 150.000 xp
das <aoicon>158089</aoicon> Second Update Syringe auf das alte Shoulderpad anwenden und du erhälst
<aoicon>157998</aoicon> Pads of Dedication <aoicon>158085</aoicon> Clan Shoulderpads for the Veracious

Das Omni-Shoulderpad kann mit einem <aoicon>208312</aoicon> Omnifier zu einem <aoicon>209237</aoicon> Enhanced Pads of Dedication verbessert werden.
Für das Clan-Shoulderpad ist keine Verbesserungsmöglichkeit bekannt.

kurze Hilfe zum Anzeigen im Spiel[]

Eine Kurzanleitung zu dieser Quest ist im nachfolgendem Kasten. Einfach den kompletten Inhalt in deinem \Anarchy Online\Scripts Ordner als Alvin-Dodga3.Quest abspeichern und Ingame mit /Alvin-Dodga3.Quest aufrufen.

<a href="text://<font color=#3EDAF9><u>Alvin/Dodga Quest Teil 3/3</u><font color=#08F708><br><br>der Auftrag noch mal in Kurzform: Roboter vernichten.<br>Teile sammeln:<br><a href=itemref://158205/158205/1><img src=rdb://158234></a>Communication Processing Unit Rack<br><a href=itemref://158225/158225/1><img src=rdb://158233></a>Communication Processing Unit ID=???<br>Trash King: Athen Shire 1600x950<br>Trash King Lackey: Athen Shire 1600x950<br>Electro Unique: Wailing Wastes 600x1950<br>Nuts N Bolts: Wartorn Valley 715x665<br>Greasy Joints: Newland Newland 890x950<br>Live Metal: Greater Tir Country 1570x2150<br>Best in Brass: Galway Shire 400x750<br>Metalomania: Lush Fields (Harry's) 2950x3120<br>Galvino: Greater Omni Forest 2000x2250<br><br><u>Reward:</u><br>Omni<a href=itemref://157998/157998/1><img src=rdb://31537></a>oder Clan<a href=itemref://158086/158086/1><img src=rdb://31538></a><br>& 250.000 credits, 150.000 xp">Alvin/Dodga Quest Teil 3</a> AlvinDodga3-inGameHilfe

Zurück zur Questsübersicht - Zurück zu The Sided Shoulderpads, Part 2 -
--ChaosSystem 14:11, 22. Apr 2005 (CEST)
